Monday, June 29, 2009

"Jal- daayttya"

"Why can't we go to the bank of Jammu tawi ?" asked my little cousin, confused and agitated.

"It's hot outside." said my mom.

He kept on asking more questions.

"It is not so hot, we can dive into it and have fun."

"Please Please Please"

P L E A S E.

He is annoyingly inquisitive.

He did not let me sleep even for a second.

"Why didn't Himanshu bhaiyaa come to see me?"

"He is in the hostel" I said, with a lot of patience.

"Why didn't Himanshu bhaiyaa come to see me?"

"He is gone somewhere."

"Why didn't Himanshu bhaiyaa come to see me?"

"Why don't you ask him?"

"Why didn't Himanshu bhaiyaa come to see me?"


"Why didn't Himanshu bhaiyaa come to see me?"

"Why didn't Himanshu bhaiyaa come to see me?"

"Why didn't Himanshu bhaiyaa come to see me?"

"I D O N T K N O W! "

"Why can't we go to the bank of Jammu tawi ?"

My mother's aunt came to the rescue.

A story of "Jal-daaytya" was built on the spot.

"Down into the river lives a demon who pulls down the people into the water in the month of June and July. He is very dangerous. Nobody goes to rivers during these two months. So we cannot go"

"You're lying"


"Ask anybody, he lives there."

He looked frightened.

"What does he eat? Who made him? Why don't we all kill him?"

"He eats fishes, like other water animals. God made him, the way we have cockroaches, snakes and others, we have him too. We cannot kill him, he is very powerful."

"Yeah yeah, god made him. "Jal- dev" " murmured my Uncle, coming out from the bathroom.

"Jal-daaytya and not "dev" and he is very dangerous" And he rectified the little fault.


  1. well, thanks for visiting my page. i havent read much of your blog, except this post. nice read. keep writing.

  2. very interesting! jal daiytya, eh?!
